Congleton Service

Congleton Service is a full-service Land Rover shop located in northern Vermont.

Taylor Congleton of Congleton Service driving a Land Rover Forward Control onto a pile of railroad ties.
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Content Creation
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The Challange

Having such a wide variety of services and a vast retail part inventory is hard to encompass into one website. Taylor Congleton, the founder of Congleton Service, and his team knew they needed to showcase their world-class Land Rovers, but also provide a seamless and intuitive e-commerce shop. And when we say seamless and intuitive e-commerce shop, we aren't just talking about the customers' experience. The team at Congleton needed a backend that would be scalable, easy to manage, and as solid as their craftsmanship.

The Solution

Right Coast Digital employed a fully headless architecture, utilizing Next.js on the frontend, Shopify for seamless e-commerce functionality, and Contentful on the backend to efficiently manage all content for Congleton Service. By seamlessly integrating the marketing and e-commerce sites, our team crafted a unified and immersive experience for both discerning shoppers and website visitors alike.

Next.js headless e-commerce web design mockup for Congleton Service
Next.js headless e-commerce web design mockup for Congleton Service
Next.js headless e-commerce web design mockup for Congleton Service
Next.js headless e-commerce web design mockup for Congleton Service
Next.js headless e-commerce web design mockup for Congleton Service
Next.js headless e-commerce web design mockup for Congleton Service

Digital marketing materials that speak for themselves

In addition to building a kick-ass website, Right Coast Digital also captured photos that would be used for future digital marketing efforts. But who would turn down an opportunity to take photos of stunning classic Land Rovers in the beautiful state of Vermont?

Start a Project
range rover classic parked in front of brick wall
front of 1995 range rover classic
rear of 1995 range rover classic